David Kruger
David Kruger posted an update 2 weeks ago
How do you increase Plant Growth Promoters in you soils? My tilled field has good levels of PGP’s but poor AMF the notill are just the opposite good AMF but almost no PGP’s. I would like to try and balance these two and haven’t found any info how to do this?
David Kruger posted an update 2 weeks ago
If you look real close you can see rows of camilina that grew sometime in December. Will it survive? Time will tell.
David Kruger posted an update 8 weeks ago
David Kruger posted an update 2 months ago
When planting cover crops this summer I ran out of the blend i was planting so seeded strait oats to finsh field. From the center of the picture to the right is strait oats which was hit hard with rust. The blend with oats in it did not show any rust on the oats. Not sure why, could it possibly been varity or is it something to do with…